Volunteering Programme



Machame Nkwenshoo Community welcome volunteers who are interested to work with us and gives opportunity to make a meaningful impact on our local communities you serve , our goals is to make Kilimanjaro a green village through tourism, our programme provide opportunity to a volunteers to work with local people, interacting and learning Chagga and Swahili culture and experience the real local life of Wachaga while getting an access to different activities in the community and touring in our village. Orientation course is a first thing to make our volunteer aware with our environment and culture before starting volunteer activities.

We have a range of activities which one can opt to join us based on interest and time of stay, one can volunteer from a weeks to month and above.

Our activities include;

Environmental conservation activities, our environment is need more support to fight against deforestation, task assigned includes preparing native tree seedlings, planting trees in our community and surroundings, caring trees after planted.

Teaching programme, there is much need for extra help in our local schools in the village, your volunteering support will help to give local student new hope and achieve their education goals.


Batik making and weaving programme, our volunteer will support and participate in local art of cloth processing using local procedures and weaving of various decorative stuff using different raw material, the programme will support local economy through creating market for local products.


Community health center, the number of health trained staff in our community centers is low; as such your presence could make a huge difference to our community.

Farming activities based on agro forestry in coffee production and banana farming.


Our activities can be conducted from one week to a month and above.

  1 volunteer 2 volunteer and above
Time of Stay

One Week


One Week



Price Covering

-Accommodation, breakfast, lunch         and dinner.

-Volunteer fees.


150 USD 140 USD @ each





Primary and Secondary Schools


Education on Environment Conservation and Tree Planting Project


Office Administration and Marketing


Medical and Nurses for a local Dispensary


COVID-19 Education


VOLUNTEERING PROGPrimary and Secondary SchoolsRAMS